
I've used everything mentioned here myself for more than 15 years without issue. Eclipse has been around for 20 years and was originally developed by IBM. That said: you follow any instructions given and use any software mentioned here solely at your own risk. To use this website, its videos and/or create, share or use TAXINAUT mods you require a TAXINAUT license. For more exact information on what you agree to when using this website (or the videos) or when creating, sharing or using TAXINAUT mods, and about what you can and cannot do with mods, see the EULA (especially section 2.7).

Warning 1

Mods have the same access to your computer system as TAXINAUT. This likely means that mods can for example read/write to your file-system and create network connnections. There is nothing in TAXINAUT or done by mosgrom to prevent this.

Warning 2

I would recommend you backup both your installation-directory and your save-files before attempting to install any mods. For more information on where to find these see IMPORTANT FILES AND DIRECTORIES in the manual.

TAXINAUT is written in Java so to be able to mod TAXINAUT you have to learn a little bit about programming in Java. The goal is to get you setup with a working starting point, that is: A Java developement environment called Eclipse, and a mod for TAXINAUT, loaded into it, that you can thinker with.

There are 3 videos

  1. The basics of Java (watch here)
  2. Programming in Java with Eclipse (watch here)
  3. Adding a planet to TAXINAUT (watch here)

This is the accompanying webpage to these videos containing some of what I say there together with links to tools and other resources used in these videos

1. The basics of Java (video 1)

View the video for this here.

What is Java

Java is a programming language and runtime environment that's been around since the 90s. It tried to free developers from the shackles of a particular platform like Windows through its "write once, run anywhere" promise which guaranteed developers that the same code written on one platform would run as is on all other supported platforms. It also introduced automatic memory-management which greatly reduces the complexity of programming and thus the possibility of bugs. Java is not the same as Javascript.

There are 4 components to creating and running a Java program:

  1. The source-code: A set of plain text files (like you type in notepad) with a .java extension containing the program code in the Java Programming Language.
  2. An application called a compiler which is used to convert the .java source files into .class files.
  3. The resulting Java .class files: these are the finished application files that you give to your customer (like .exe and .dll files for regular Windows applications).
  4. An application called the Java Virtual Machine or JVM which is used to run the .class files in a similar way that a video-player applications runs .mp4 files.

The source-code we will create ourselves using notepad. The compiler and JVM are part of a Java Development Kit (JDK) which is just a set of applications you can download for free from several sources. For this demonstration I will use the openJDK.

In the video I have setup a command-prompt that can use the compiler (javac) and the JVM (java) that came with the JDK.

There is no need for you to download a JDK or do anything I do in this video yourself: in the second video we will download and install a different application called Eclipse to run and create Java applications with. Eclipse includes a JDK and is much more comfortable to use. I only do it this way here to demonstrate the bare-bones of what is needed to develop Java applications in an attempt to demystify the process.

If you're nonetheless interested, the openJDK can be obtained somewhere through here or maybe more specifically here or here.

Creating an application in Java

In applications there are types of things. For example in TAXINAUT there are things that are a type of ship, things that are a type of planet, things that are a type of NPC and so on.

In Java a type of thing is called a class. And each of these classes is represented by a .class file. So somewhere in the TAXINAUT install directory you'll find: ship.class, planet.class, NPC.class and many more.

Each of these .class files was created with a compiler from a plain text .java file with the source-code for that class in it. So in my TAXINAUT project directory there is:,,, etc.

We're going to create an application that has people in it. People are a type of person so for that we will create a class called Person. We do this by creating a text file called in notepad and we're going to type the source-code for the Person class into it.

In the video I go through this in steps and explain more about what the code means.

class Person {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Person p1 = new Person("Lois");
		Person p2 = new Person("Clark");

	String name;

	Person(String s) {
		name = s;

	void sayHelloTo(String other) {
		System.out.println("Hello " + other + " I'm " + name);


We then compile into Person.class as follows:


Now that we have a Person.class file we can run that with our JVM as follows:

java Person

The JVM (java) will look for a function called "main" in the Person class and execute the code in that function resulting in the following output:

Hello Jasper I'm Lois
Hello Pierre I'm Clarke

2. Programming in Java with Eclipse (video 2)

View the video for this here.


In the previous video I used a set of command-line tools called the JDK to compile and run our Person Java application. These tools are however very bare-bones and don't provide much extras. So, instead we will start using a much more comfortable application called Eclipse. Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment or IDE for programming in Java and contains the editor (previously we used notepad), the compiler (previously we used javac) and many other tools all under one user-interface.

You can download the latest version of Eclipse, for free, from the Eclipse Foundation website at

The following instructions are for how things were in June 2023, Eclipse verion: 2023-06 (4.28.0); things might be different now.

  1. Download and run the installer.
  2. A popup will show: Click "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers".
  3. You can change the installation folder etc. but I would leave things as they are: Then click "INSTALL".
  4. A license confirmation shows: click "Accept".
  5. If it says the "Installation process is taking longer than usual", don't worry.
  6. If a popup comes up asking "Do you trust unsigned content from unknown origin" just tick the checkbox on the listed types and click "Trust Selected".
  7. Click "LAUNCH" or double click the Eclipse shortcut on your Desktop
  8. A popup will appear asking you to "Select a directory as workspace"; this will be the directory where your project files like .java source files and .class files will reside. Either note the directory so you can find it later or pick a directory you like.

The rest of the instructions are in the video. Here are links to the materials used in the video:

What follows is the source-code that's discussed in the video:


import net.mosgrom.modvid.gamelib.Space;

public class Game {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Space space = new Space();
		PlayerShip player = new PlayerShip();
		NPCShip npc1 = new NPCShip();
		NPCShip npc2 = new NPCShip();


import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;

import net.mosgrom.modvid.gamelib.Ship;
import net.mosgrom.modvid.gamelib.Space;

public class PlayerShip extends Ship implements MouseListener {
	public void shipAdded(Space s) {
	public void update(Graphics g) {
		g.fillRect(location().x, location().y, 32, 32);
	public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {

	public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {

	public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
		setCourse(e.getPoint(), 0.1);

	public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {

	public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {



import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import net.mosgrom.modvid.gamelib.Ship;
import net.mosgrom.modvid.gamelib.Space;

public class NPCShip extends Ship {

	Space space;
	public void shipAdded(Space s) {
		space = s;
	public void update(Graphics g) {
		if (destinationReached()) {
			setCourse(space.randomLocation(), 0.2);
		g.fillOval(location().x, location().y, 32, 32);


3. Adding a planet to TAXINAUT (video 3)

View the video for this here.

Modding overview

TAXINAUT mods consist of Java class files and resources like image and sound files. All mods have a unique name and numeric id called mod-name and mod-id. To install a mod its files are placed under the mod directory of your TAXINAUT installation-directory (I will refer to the TAXINAUT installation-directory as taxi-dir).

For more information on how to find your taxi-dir go here.

In this demonstration I will be creating a mod with mod-name "example" and mod-id 101. The mod will add a planet to TAXINAUT called "Domo" and give the player an item (called "domocast") that teleports them to Domo when clicked. Your installation of TAXINAUT comes with the source-code and resources for this mod in:

You can also download it here.
You can download the mod itself (compiled, ready to use, bundled in a zip-file) here.

Starting a new mod project

To start a new mod you need 4 things:

The main module

Every TAXINAUT mod must define a Main class:

package taximod.mod-name;


public class Main extends BaseModule {

	public int id() {
		return mod-id;

It is responsible for telling TAXINAUT what loader-plugins to use. Loader-plugins are classes that you write, that load and define the various things that your mod adds (like planets, NPCs, items, etc.).

The rest is shown in the video.

Installing a mod

At this point I would urge you once more to backup your taxi-dir and save-game files.

(you can see here and here about where to find those).

Be aware that save-games created with a mod installed will not work without that mod. This can get a little confusing because TAXINAUT automatically saves the game when you quit TAXINAUT. So if you load a game with a certain mod installed; then just quit the game and remove the mod and then restart TAXINAUT and click "CONTINUE" you will likely get a crash because you are trying to load a save-game that was created with a mod installed that isn't installed anymore.

To use mods You will need to enable mods in TAXINAUT. You can find the setting in your TAXINAUT SETTINGS under "TOOLS". It's called "Allow mods" and should be set to "YES".

There are 3 types of files in a mod:


These are class files that once loaded always remain in memory. This includes the Main class for your mod and things like equipment and other items that your mod adds to TAXINAUT. All Module classes must be defined somewhere under package:

package taximod.mod-name;
The classes are placed somewhere under:
followed by the package hierarchy they're defined under. So for example the class:

class Bar {
would be placed in:
Alternatively the classes can be bundled in a .jar file named mod-name.jar and placed directly under:


These are class files that are loaded when needed and immediately removed from memory once TAXINAUT is done with them. Think of these as scripts. This includes things like loader-plugins that define and add the various planets, NPCs, items, etc. that are part of your mod, dialog-plugins and UI-plugins. All plugin classes must be defined somewhere under package:

package taxiplg.mod-name;
The classes are placed under:
followed by the package hierarchy they're defined under.
(plugin classes are never bundled in .jar files).


These are resource files like images and sounds. Data is placed under:



For our example mod its installation would be as follows:

Or if you want to bundle the module classes in a .jar file called example.jar:

How to install a TAXINAUT mod is shown in more detail in the video.

Packaging a mod

Note that mosgrom.jar, its documentation or anything else from the TAXINAUT installation folder is NOT TO BE SHARED (even with other owners of TAXINAUT). DO NOT package mosgrom.jar or anything else from TAXINAUT with your mod and put it up for download somewhere. See the EULA (especially section 2.7.) for more details on what you can and cannot do with mods.

There are currently no standards or tools for packaging TAXINAUT mods. I would recommend that you put all your mod files in a .zip file that mirrors the structure in which they should be placed under the taxi-dir\mod directory. So for our example mod the root directory of the zip file would be as follows:

Or if you want to bundle the module classes in a .jar file called example.jar: